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Showing posts from December, 2009

Is this a writer's block??

Writing should come about naturally, never forced upon. I used to be able to write so easily, but now it’s become more like a chore. Maybe, that’s what happens when you’re not in touch with writing for long! It needs practice, no matter how easy it sounds. Anything, I guess when not kept in touch with loses its familiarity and this breaks the flow. The so-called “Writer’s Block,” something writers and people all fear of encountering can be a huge hurdle especially when you choose such a profession. It isn’t all that easy to string a bunch of words together; to be able to choose the right words and make the sentence sound that much more appealing and exciting. These tactics, I guess come to you over time, how to get the best punch-line to grab the maximum number of readers; after all writing is a gift of language and only those with high vocabulary can sensitize readers and grab their interest.