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Let's Join Hands to Help Eliminate Classroom Hunger in India

November 14th, a day which is known across India as Children’s Day is also the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister- Jawaharlal Nehru. Chacha Nehru (Uncle Nehru) as he was fondly remembered had emphasized the importance of giving love and affection to children as he firmly believed that the youth was the future of the nation. The progress of children was deemed as essential for the growth of the nation; for which he had established many educational institutions and passed a five year plan which ensured free primary education and free meals (inclusive of milk)so as to prevent malnutrition in the country. This same belief that he held, stands true even in today’s times; as India stands out to be one the emerging economies of the world.

Also known as Bal Divas, this day is celebrated to remind people across the nation, especially parents; of the importance of children’s education and their rights. This is especially important in the context of children belonging to the under-privileged section of the society; as they are the ones who suffer the most.  

While this date symbolizes a day for children to engage in fun activities, thousands of children across the country are left with no choice but to support their parents and help them to earn a livelihood. This denial of education not only leads to the children growing up to be illiterate but their unfortunate circumstance robs them of a mirthful childhood.

In a country having a population of over one billion people, approximately 500 million people are living in poverty. So, what does this mean?

Not only does this mean no access to healthcare, but also absence of educational facilities.
Children from these families are often bonded in labour and forced to help their parents earn money; while many are abandoned and run away from their homes.  In fact, India is known to have the highest number of child labourer's in the world!

Food is known to be the fuel; that we all need to survive and stay healthy.
Can you imagine waking up and not having your breakfast; and subsequently not having lunch or even dinner!! You wouldn't have any energy and you would feel miserable.  Moreover, these children are forced to engage in many harmful labour acts.    

As a result of this undernourishment and starvation, these children face many other issues such as delays in development, cognitive implications such as IQ deficiency, illnesses, diseases, weight-loss, memory impairments, learning disabilities and impaired school performance. In addition to this, their undernourishment leads to short and long-term complications because of several micro and macro nutrient deficiencies. For what; all for being born into an impoverished situation!

NGOs, government organisations, private bodies and many groups utilize various occasions to conduct a number of competitions and events for these children to know about their rights as well as to spread the message. However, NGOs alone cannot eliminate this social vice.
Do you remember hearing about the Bihar school meal poisoning incident that took place in July, 2013? With 23 children dead, dozens were left ill at a primary school in a village in Bihar; and this was after eating a Mid-Day Meal that was contaminated with pesticides.So, what is the point of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) or any of the other acts and laws passed?

In addition, there have been numerous laws that have been passed to secure the nutritional status of these children in the country. India’s Right to Food Act, India’s famous Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) that feeds more than 120 million children every day have not been able to secure food to them. While these are just a few acts and laws to mention, many others have also been passed.  So, despite many acts being passed, children continue to die from starvation or suffer from undernourishment!

Corruption, Negligence, Apathy and Lack of Proactive engagement are some of the reasons that children are denied not only nutritional requirements as well other basic needs.
Ironically, India is known to be the world’s largest producers of rice, fruits, wheat and vegetables. How strange does this sound, when four children are estimated to die every minute because of hunger!!  
So how can we eliminate classroom hunger? While many may shrug off the possibility of being able to make a difference, leaving the onus to NGOs and other bodies to work on this problem the truth is that this issue requires unanimous efforts.
There is no over-night solution which can change the lives of these children in the country. However, you and I can make a difference. What each and every one of us does for these children will help lead to the eradication of this problem.  I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

How are you going to help?


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