Did you know, we all mostly live
such IGNORANT lives especially when it comes to our mind? If we don't study
science, perhaps we just stay oblivious about what the areas our brain
controls: like the parietal lobe the occipital lobe, the frontal lobe, the
temporal lobe, broca’s area and Wernicke’s area. These different areas control
different activities of our brain and damage to any part can affect us both in
the short run or the long run.
Brain Injuries account for one of
the leading causes of deaths in the world; yet there is lack of sensitivity,
compassion and sympathy towards this topic. Do we have to really bear the brunt
of familial pain or someone who we care for, for us to suddenly OPEN UP OUR
EYES and realise how important our health is.
Is live meant to be just a race
for money, living a better life where you neglect your own persona well being?
A brain injury is a severe injury
to the head and it can be of many different types; depending on the nature of
the fall. There are primary and secondary injuries. Primary injures occur as a
result of the initial displacement of the physical structure of the brain. For example,
cerebral contusion cerebral laceration, and epidural hemorrhage, etc.
Primary injuries lead to
secondary injuries and are indirect results of the injury. For example impaired
metabolism, edema, altered cerebral blood flow, etc. `
However diffuse and focal brain
injuries describe the localization and severity of the damage. Focal injury
occurs in one specific area while diffuse injuries occur over a widespread
Types of Brain Injuries
Brain Injury: Traumatic brain injuries are one of the leading causes of
morbidity in India, accounting with road traffic accidents (RTA). In fact, it
is a leading cause of mortality, disability and socioeconomic status losses in
India as well as other developing countries.
It is caused
by an external force and leads to an alteration of a structural, chemical
transmitter pathway, physiological and even other brain pathology. Multiple
traumatic events can even lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which is a neurodegenerative
disease found in people who have
had multiple head injuries.
One of the most common types of brain traumas, a concussion can be caused by
direct impact to the head – through gunshots/ force from a whiplash/violent
shaking of the head (especially in children). The brain receives trauma from
this impact or sudden momentum or even movement of change. As a result the
blood vessels in the brain may stretch and even damage the cranial nerves.
A penetrating head injury is an open head injury where the outer layer of the
meninges (three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord is breached
(broken). These are usually caused by gunshots and have a 91 percent mortality
An 1868 illustration of the injury suffered by Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who had a tamping iron driven through his skull in an 1848 accident.
Coup and contrecoup contusions are a group of focal brain injuries and are
associated with cerebral contusions- a type of brain injury where the brain is
bruised. They may occur individually or together. They occur ONLY and ONLY when
the force impacting the head is not only strong enough to create a contusion
but also at the site of impact it is able to move the entire brain and cause it
to displace rapidly to the other side of the skull leading to an additional
axonal: Also known as traumatic axonal injury (TAI), diffuse axonal injury
(DAI) is an extremely severe traumatic brain injury that occurs due to shearing
forces. It is surprisingly common in about half of all the severe head traumas;
which does make it one of the most serious traumatic brain injuries. There are
many reasons why it may happen. Some of them are car accidents, violence,
sports related accidents, falls and child abuse such as shaken baby
Non-Traumatic Brain Injury
Anoxic Brain:
Every brain injury does not involve trauma. Anoxic Brain damage is an injury to
the brain that is caused due to the lack/absence of oxygen.
Brain: Hypoxia is the term used to refer to low oxygen and the brain cells that
do not have enough oxygen begin to die after 4 minutes. Blood flow can get
blocked to the brain or even slowed through blood clots or strokes, heart
problems, and lung diseases. There are many symptoms that may lead to coma and
cause hypoxic brain damage such as seizures, headaches, confusion, mood swings
and decreased attention span. (Also called stagnant hypoxia)
Read the Next Post to find out
the common problems that occur after brain injury and debunking myths about
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