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Immortal Talks: A Story about Hanuman & His Profound Teachings


Unravelling the esoteric wisdom of spirituality of lord Hanuman (a Hindu deity known for love, compassion, devotion, strength and intelligence) to a group of tribals, Immortal Talks is a summary of the teachings of Lord Hanuman to his ardent disciples. 


These immortal talks reveal various mysteries of life and secrets of spiritual powers, brushing across topics such as reality, karma, desire, soul, destiny, time and space. These teachings are not at all ordinary as they have been collected over an entire lifetime of being on a path towards immorality and the evolution of consciousness beyond one single lifetime.


The book begins with two monks (Swamiji and Hanudas) secretly observing a group of tribal people (Mahtangs) in a forested mountain, in a long quest to know Lord Hanuman. These tribal people were known to have observed particular behaviour characteristics where it felt as if they were talking to somebody who was invisible. However, what was unknown to anyone other than the tribe was that the immortal Hanuman visited them every 41 years (4 decades) to impart his knowledge and wisdom.


Each chapter explains the different concepts of reality very lucidly. 


Chapter 1: The Alternate Mother – In this paradoxical story, we are told about the illusory nature of the world through a story. A conflict to settle who is the real mother of Chitta – was it Vicheta or Sucheta, is the central theme of this story and we are presented with seven different realities to solve the issue at hand.  Lines such as “A child who deserved to have his mother feeding him with her hands was compelled by the circumstances to cook food” really stand out in this story. 


Chapter 2: The Mermaid- Karma can present itself in many different ways and so can the soul. This can be seen through this story which also describes concepts of attachment, detachment and the flow of bad karma. Getting sucked into one of one of his haunting nightmares, Urva found himself crouched on a rock in the middle of the ocean, he believes a beautiful girl who ultimately tricked him where he turns into a mermaid. “If you are attached to a soul, it behaves like a mermaid and transfers its bad karma to you” captures the essence of this story.


Chapter 3: Describing the Indescribable- Explaining the concepts of time and space, this chapter dives into topics in which Lord Hanuman explains how events occur to us not as events but as objects. Things like past, present, future, happened, happening and will-happen don’t remain unknown.  Things in the universe appear collectively at one time.  “No matter how many scenes you live and how much time you spend on the T-Stings it would be counted as the journey of one soul” is significant in this story.


Chapter 4: The Strings of Time: This chapter describes our spiritual evolution in terms of the number of T-Strings that a soul possesses. It helps you to see beyond your beliefs, and move towards the state of Shunya- emptiness. The inner world is basically a maze of tunnels called the Shunya tunnels. The Strings of Time, T-Strings pass through them along their axes”.


Chapter 5: Defeating Death- This chapter reveals the scientific explanation behind bad dreams. “There is a good thing about the human world which is otherwise like a cage of ignorant souls: human bodies do get tired and go to sleep. As soon as its body falls asleep the soul flies off and enters the Dream World. A soul tries to fulfil its desires in the human world but when they become impossible to fulfil here the Dream World comes to the rescue. Desires sprout from imaginations and imaginations get triggered by the external word we perceive in different ways.”   


Chapter 6:  The Cursed Souls- This chapter explores the knowledge of Surrahs and Assurahs; i.e. the cursed souls. While Surrahs are bodyless beings that relish positive emotions of human life where negative emotions naturally occur, Asurrahs are bodyless beings which relish negative emotions. “Imagine there is an Asurrah. It finds a person who is fearful. It will enter his body and savour fear.”     


“Surrahs keep a lookout for people who are going through such positives and enter their body-minds to savour and prolong what they crave the most – the positive flavours of human life.” 


This book ends with a very insightful and beautiful explanation of the importance of abiding by reciting regular prayers and the appropriate way to venerate one’s deity.  


A book which is difficult to put down, I highly recommend this book and already can’t wait to begin the second one! 


“A typical human mind remains under the control of the external world, Maya, which has a never-ending arsenal of highs-lows, good-bad, right-wrong, love-hate, pleasure-pain, likes-dislikes, pure-impure, spiritual-materialistic, belief-disbelief, rational-irrational, and so on to keep a mind engaged. Therefore, Maya has all the powers to enslave a human mind and control what information the latter receives.” 



“Puppets, we are! The mighty puppeteer has thrown us into this part of the world to crawl a bunch of paths of this jungle all our lives.” 



“Human psychology is that anything you do in a group feels right. People as a group can kill someone and call it religious because it feels right to them. Religion and righteousness are not the same thing. Religion is about going beyond right and wrong and seeing things as they are without any prejudices and judgements.” 



“People are constantly searching for an external enemy in order to forget their internal conflicts. Don’t oblige them. Stay detached.” 



“Be someone who has nothing. Then everything you have will feel like a luxurious gift. Even better, be someone who doesn't even have a body. Then every touch and every visual offered by the body will feel heavenly.” 


“Attachment hurts you, detachment heals you back. At the end of the cycle, you are no longer the same person. This entire cyclic process is love. It evolves you. Attachment alone is not love.” 




  1. Being alone is not a pain but an opportunity to know the god and move forward without stopping.


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